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Sodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity

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*Sodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity

*Sodium Hydroxide Safety Hazards

*Sodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity Chart

*Where To Buy Sodium Hydroxide

*Sodium Hydroxide Burns

*Sodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity Calculator

*Sodium Hydroxide Solution Specific Heat Capacity Specific heat of some products like wet mud, granite, sandy clay, quartz sand and more 

Trivial 2017 online gay music. Specific Heat for some common products are given in the table below.

May 08, 2016  Specific Heat capacity of sodium hydroxide at 25°C: 28.230 J mol −1 K −1. Logged Print; Pages: 1 Go Up « previous next » Tags. Sodium cyanide is a poisonous compound with the formula Na C N.It is a white, water-soluble solid. Cyanide has a high affinity for metals, which leads to the high toxicity of this salt. Its main application, in gold mining, also exploits its high reactivity toward metals.It is a moderately strong base.When treated with acid, it forms the toxic gas hydrogen cyanide.

See also tabulated values for gases, food and foodstuff, metals and semimetals, common liquids and fluids and common solids, as well as values of molar specific heat for common organic substances and inorganic substances.SubstanceSpecific Heat

 - cp -

(J/kg C°)


Acetals1460Air, dry (sea level)1005Agate800Alcohol, ethyl2440Alcohol, metyl wood)2530Aluminum897Aluminum bronze436Alumina, AL2O3718Ammonia, liquid4700Ammonia, gas2060Antimony209Argon520Arsenic348Artificial wool1357Asbestos816Asphalt920Barium290Barytes460Beryllium1020Bismuth130Boiler scale800Bone440Boron960Boron nitride720Brass375Brick840Bronze370Brown iron ore670Cadmium234Calcium532Calsium silicate, CaSiO3710Cellulose, cotton, wood pulp and regenerated1300 - 1500Cellulose acetate, molded1260 - 1800Cellulose acetate, sheet1260 - 2100Cellulose nitrate, Celluloid1300 - 1700Chalk750Charcoal840Chromium452Chrom oxide750Clay, sandy1381Cobalt435Coke840Concrete880Constantan410Copper385Cork2000Diamond (carbon)516Duralium920Emery960Epoxy cast resins1000Fire brick880Fluorspar CaF2830Dichlorodifluoromethane R12, liquid871Dichlorodifluoromethane R12, vapor595Ice (0oC)2093India rubber1250Glass, crown670Glass, pyrex753Glass-wool840Gold129Granite790Graphite (carbon)717Gypsum1090Helium5193Hydrogen14304Ice, snow (-5oC)2090Ingot iron490Iodine218Iridium134Iron449Lead129Leather1500Limestone909Lithium3582Lucite1460Magnesia (Mangnesium oxide), MgO874Magnesium1050Magnesium alloy1010Manganese460Marble880Mercury140Mica880Molybdenum272Neon1030Nickel461Nitrogen1040Nylon-61600Nylon-661700Olive oil1790Osmium130Oxygen918Palladium240Paper1336Paraffin3260Peat1900Perlite387Phenolic cast resins1250 - 1670Phenol-formaldehyde molding compounds2500 - 6000Phosphorbonze360Phosphorus800Pinchbeck380Pit coal1020Platinium133Plutonium140Polycarbonates1170 - 1250Polyethylene terephthalate1250Polyimide aromatics1120Polyisoprene natural rubber1880Polyisoprene hard rubber1380Polymethylmethacrylate1500

Polypropylene1920Polystyrene1300 - 1500Polytetrafluoroethylene moulding compound1000Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)1172Polyurethane cast liquid1800Polyurethane elastomer1800Polyvinylchloride PVC840 - 1170Porcelain1085Potassium1000Potassium chloride680Pyroceram710Quartz, SiO2730Quartz glass700Red metal381Rhenium140Rhodium240Rosin1300Rubidium330Salt, NaCl880Sand, quartz830Sandstone710Scandium568Selenium330Silicon705silicon carbide670Silver235Slate760Sodium1260Soil, dry800Soil, wet1480Soot840Snow2090Steatite830Steel490Sulfur, crystal700Tantalium138Tellurium201Thorium140Timber, alder1400Timber, ash1600Timber, birch1900Timber, larch1400Timber, maple1600Timber, oak2400Timber, pitchpine1300Timber, pockwood2500Timber, red beech1300Timber, red pine1500Timber, white pine1500Timber, walnut1400Tin228Titanium523Tungsten132Tungsten carbide171Uranium116Vanadium500Water, pure liquid (20oC)4182Water, vapor (27oC)1864Wet mud2512Wood1300 - 2400Zinc388

*1 calorie = 4.186 joules = 0.001 Btu/lbm oF

*1 cal/gram Co = 4186 J/kgoC 

*1 J/kg Co = 10-3 kJ/kg K = 10-3 J/g Co = 10-6 kJ/g Co= 2.389x10-4 Btu/(lbmoF)


For conversion of units, use the Specific heat online unit converter.

See also tabulated values for gases, food and foodstuff, metals and semimetals, common liquids and fluids and common solids, as well as values of molar specific heat for common organic substances and inorganic substances. Related Topics 

* Material Properties  - Material properties for gases, fluids and solids - densities, specific heats, viscosities and more 

* Thermodynamics  - Effects of work, heat and energy on systems Related Documents 

* Air - Specific Heat at Constant Temperature and Varying Pressure  - Figures and table showing isobaric (Cp) and isochoric (Cv) specific heat of air at constant temperature and varying pressure ranging 0.01 to 10000 bara

* Dirt and Mud - Densities  - Densities - pound per cubic foot and kilograms per cubic metre - for dirt and mud

* Electric Heating of a Mass  - Electric heating of an object or mass - energy supply and temperature change

* Energy Storage Density  - Energy density - by weight and volume - for some ways to store energy

* Heat Capacity  - The heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat required to change its temperature by one degree, and has units of energy per degree

* Heat Emission from Pipes Submerged in Oil or Fat  - Heat emission from steam or water heating pipes submerged in oil or fat - forced and natural circulation

* Heat Up Applications - Energy Required and Heat Transfer Rates  - Energy required to heat up a substance 

* Mixing Fluids  - Final mass and temperature when mixing fluids

* Mixing Liquids and/or Solids - Final Temperatures  - Calculate the final temperature when liquids or solids are mixed

* Polymers - Specific Heats  - Specific heat of polymers like epoxy, PET, polycarbonate and more

* Specific Heat - Online Unit Converter  - Online specific heat converter with the most commonly used units

* Specific Heat of some Metals  - Specific heat of commonly used metals like aluminum, iron, mercury and many more - imperial and SI units

* Steel Pipes and Temperature Expansion  - Temperature expansion of carbon steel pipes

* Storing Thermal Heat in Materials  - Energy stored as sensible heat in materials

* Units of Heat - BTU, Calorie and Joule - The most common units of heat are BTU - British Thermal Unit, Calorie and Joule

* Water - Specific Heat  - Online calculator, figures and tables showing specific heat of liquid water at constant volume or constant pressure at temperatures from 0 to 360 °C (32-700 °F) - SI and Imperial units Tag Search 

*en: specific heat capacity sand granite quarts

*es: capacidad calorífica cuarto granito de arena específicas

*de: spezifische Wärmekapazität Sand Granit Liter Specific heat for some common liquids and fluids - acetone, oil, paraffin, water and many more 

The specific heat for some commonly used liquids and fluids is given in the table below.

For conversion of units, use the Specific heat online unit converter.

See also tabulated values of specific heat of gases, food and foodstuff, metals and semimetals, common solids and other common substances as well as values of molar specific heat of common organic substances and inorganic substances.ProductSpecific Heat

- cp -

(kJ/(kg K))(Btu/(lb oF))

(Kcal/kg oC)Acetic acid2.0430.49Acetone2.150.51Alcohol, ethyl 32oF (ethanol)2.30.548Alcohol, ethyl 104oF (ethanol)2.720.65Alcohol, methyl. 40 - 50oF2.470.59Alcohol, methyl. 60 - 70oF2.510.6Alcohol, propyl2.370.57Ammonia, 32oF4.61.1Ammonia, 104oF4.861.16Ammonia, 176oF5.41.29Ammonia, 212oF6.21.48Ammonia, 238oF6.741.61Aniline2.180.514Benzene, 60oF1.80.43Benzene, 150oF1.920.46Benzine2.1Benzol1.80.43Bismuth, 800oF0.150.0345Bismuth, 1000oF0.1550.0369Bismuth, 1400oF0.1650.0393Bromine0.470.11n-Butane, 32oF2.30.55Calcium Chloride3.060.73Carbon Disulfide0.9920.237Carbon Tetrachloride0.8660.207Castor Oil1.80.43Chloroform1.050.251Citron Oil1.840.44Decane2.210.528Diphenylamine1.930.46Dodecane2.210.528Dowtherm1.550.37Ether2.210.528Ethyl ether2.220.529Ethylene glycol2.360.56Dichlorodifluoromethane R-12 saturated -40oF0.880.211Dichlorodifluoromethane R-12 saturated 0oF0.910.217Dichlorodifluoromethane R-12 saturated 120oF1.020.244Fuel Oil min.1.670.4Fuel Oil max.2.090.5Gasoline2.220.53Glycerine2.430.576Heptane2.240.535Hexane2.260.54Hydrochlor acid3.14Iodine2.150.51Kerosene2.010.48Linseed Oil1.840.44Light Oil, 60oF1.80.43Light Oil, 300oF2.30.54Mercury0.140.03Methyl alcohol2.51Milk3.930.94Naphthalene1.720.41Nitric acid1.72Nitro benzole1.520.362Octane2.150.51Oil, Castor1.970.47Oil, Olive1.970.47Oil, mineral1.670.4Oil, turpentine1.8Oil, vegetable1.670.4Olive oil1.970.47Paraffin2.130.51Perchlor ethylene0.905Petroleum2.130.51Petroleum ether1.76Phenol1.430.34Potassium hydrate3.680.88Propane, 32oF2.40.576Propylene2.850.68Propylene Glycol2.50.60Sesame oil1.630.39Sodium, 200oF1.380.33Sodium, 1000oF1.260.3Sodium hydrate3.930.94Soya bean oil1.970.47Sulfuric acid concentrated1.38Sulfuric acid1.34Toluene1.720.41Trichlor ethylene1.30Tuluol1.510.36Turpentine1.720.411Water, fresh4.191Water, sea 36oF3.930.938Xylene1.720.41

*1 kJ/(kg K) = 1000 J/(kgoC) = 0.2389 kcal/(kg oC) = 0.2389 Btu/(lbmoF)

*T(oC) = 5/9[T(oF) - 32]

For conversion of units, use the Specific heat online unit converter.

See also tabulated values of specific heat of Gases, Food and foodstuff, Metals and semimetals, Common solids and other Common substances.Heating Energy

The energy required to heat a product can be calculated asSodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity

q = cp m dt (1)

where Sodium Hydroxide Safety Hazards

q = heat required (kJ)Sodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity Chart

cp = specific heat (kJ/kg K, kJ/kg oC)

dt = temperature difference (K, oC)Example - Required Heat to increase Temperature i Water

10 kg of water is heated from 20 oC to 100 oC - a temperature difference 80 oC (K). The heat required can be calculated as 

q = (4.19 kJ/kg K) (10 kg) (80 oC)

Nov 08, 2017  A) Total War: ROME II – Empire Divided is a campaign pack DLC that focusses on the crisis of the 3 rd century. The year is 270 AD. A string of inept emperors and usurpers vying for power has led the Roman Empire into near-total economic collapse. This is its gravest crisis yet. Rome II Politics Overview. When you select a faction, you also take the reins of the ruling party or family within its political system. Your faction leader is the head of that party. Many characters in your campaign contribute their gravitas to your party’s political power within your faction. This in turn increases the area of influence your party has throughout your provinces. Rome 2 power and politics. Nov 09, 2017  A comprehensive guide on power and politics in Total War: ROME II. This guide will show you how all of the political systems interact with each other, how to. There are actually two new things coming for Rome 2. The first is a major patch called Power & Politics, which looks to make the base game’s systems (and those for “all DLC except for Caesar in Gaul”) a bit more interesting. Aug 11, 2019  The Power & Politics Update is currently in beta, and has been developed hand-in-hand with Total War: ROME II – Empire Divided, which launches 30 th November 2017. The update is also compatible with all pre-existing ROME II campaigns with the exception of Caesar In Gaul, which retains its own custom political system.

 = 3352 kJWhere To Buy Sodium Hydroxide Related Topics Sodium Hydroxide Burns

* Material Properties  - Material properties for gases, fluids and solids - densities, specific heats, viscosities and more 

* Thermodynamics  - Effects of work, heat and energy on systems Related Documents Sodium Hydroxide Specific Heat Capacity Calculator

* Ammonia - Density at Varying Temperature and Pressure  - Online calculator, figures and tables showing density and specific weight of ammonia at temperatures ranging -50 to 425 °C (-50 to 800 °F) at atmospheric and higher pressure - Imperial and SI Units 

* Ammonia - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity  - Online calculator, figures and tables showing dynamic (absolute) and kinematic viscosity of gasous and liquid ammonia at temperatures ranging from -73 to 425°C (-100 to 800°F) at pressure ranging from 1 to 1000 bara (14.5 - 14500 psia) - SI and Imperial Units 

* Ammonia - Properties at Gas-Liquid Equilibrium Conditions  - Figures and tables showing how the properties of liquid and gaseous ammonia changes along the boiling/condensation curve (temperature and pressure between triple point and critical point conditions). An ammonia phase diagram are included.

* Ammonia - Specific Heat at varying Temperature and Pressure  - Online calculator, figures and tables showing specific heat, CP and CV, of gasous and liquid ammonia at temperatures ranging from -73 to 425°C (-100 to 800°F) at pressure ranging from 1 to 100 bara (14.5 - 1450 psia) - SI and Imperial Units 

* Ammonia - Thermal Conductivity at Varying Temperature and Pressure  - Online calculator, figures and tables showing thermal conductivity of liquid and gaseous ammonia at temperatures ranging -70 to 425 °C (-100 to 800 °F) at atmospheric and higher pressure - Imperial and SI Units 

* Ammonia - Thermophysical Properties  - Chemical, Physical and Thermal Properties of Ammonia. Phase diagram included.

* Ammonia - Vapour Pressure at gas-liquid equilibrium  - Figures and table showing ammonia saturation pressure at boiling point, SI and Imperial units

* Electric Heating of a Mass  - Electric heating of an object or mass - energy supply and temperature change

* Heat Capacity  - The heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat required to change its temperature by one degree, and has units of energy per degree

* Heat Emission from Pipes Submerged in Oil or Fat  - Heat emission from steam or water heating pipes submerged in oil or fat - forced and natural circulation

* Heat Up Applications - Energy Required and Heat Transfer Rates  - Energy required to heat up a substance 

* Light Oil Suction Flow Velocity  - Recommended suction flow velocity when pumping light oils 

* Liquid ammonia - Thermal Properties at saturation pressure  - Density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity and Prandtls no. of liquid ammonia at its saturation pressure

* Mixing Fluids  - Final mass and temperature when mixing fluids

* Mixing Liquids and/or Solids - Final Temperatures  - Calculate the final temperature when liquids or solids are mixed

* Oil Tanks Heat Loss  - Heat loss from lagged and unlagged, sheltered and exposed oil tanks

* Polymers - Specific Heats  - Specific heat of polymers like epoxy, PET, polycarbonate and more

* Specific Heat - Online Unit Converter  - Online specific heat converter with the most commonly used units

* Specific Heat and Individual Gas Constant of Gases  - Specific heat at constant volume, specific heat at constant pressure, specific heat ratio and individual gas constant - R - common gases as argon, air, ether, nitrogen and many more .

* Specific Heat of Food and Foodstuff  - Specific heat of common food and foodstuff like apples, bass, beef, pork and many more

* Specific Heat of Solids  - Common solids - like brick, cement, glass and many more - and their specific heats - in Imperial and SI units

* Steel Pipes and Temperature Expansion  - Temperature expansion of carbon steel pipes

* Storing Thermal Heat in Materials  - Energy stored as sensible heat in materials

* Sulfuric Acid - Density  - Density of sulfuric acid at various temperatures and concentrations

* Water - Specific Heat  - Online calculator, figures and tables showing specific heat of liquid water at constant volume or constant pressure at temperatures from 0 to 360 °C (32-700 °F) - SI and Imperial unitsSodium Hydroxide Solution Specific Heat Capacity Tag Search 

*en: specific heat capacity fluids liquids

*es: fluidos capacidad calorífica líquidos específicos

*de: spezifische Wärmekapazität Flüssigkeiten Flüssigkeiten





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